Monday, August 1, 2016

Mixing it up

I found a blog over the weekend where a woman saved a ton of money by shopping in her own closet.

For a year, she didn't buy any new outfits. She just combined clothes, jewelry and shoes she already had instead of buying something new.

I don't think I have enough clothes to do that. I currently have one pair of jeans that kind of, sort of fit (hooray, weight loss?). If I mow my yard in them, I'll end up mooning my neighbors.

But, I liked the blog well enough to maybe pay attention to the message behind it.

This week, in an ode to that blog I found, I'm going to wear something different, something new or something I wouldn't normally wear, each day this week.

Let's mix it up a little!

I did buy two new pieces of jewelry this weekend, but they were dirt cheap on clearance. I have this system in place where I reward myself with pretty things if something goes awry in my life. (The idea is to not use food as a reward, like I used to do.)

So, I was overdue to buy some pretty stuff.

I used to hate clothes. Now that I'm almost 50 pounds lighter and three or four sizes smaller, I love clothes. I love shopping. I have jeggings.

Weird, right?

Today, I'm wearing a new bracelet. It cost me $2 at a craft store in town on clearance.

When I was doing laundry last night, I took stock of what I had. I pulled some clothes out, switched outfits up, and tried to mix some jewelry pieces to shirts I wouldn't normally put together.

A $6 teal and gold necklace with a red shirt? I think that's going to be the outfit I wear tomorrow.

This excites me.

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