Monday, March 2, 2015

Fancy pants!

This is important.

This is a big deal.

I bought a new tv over the weekend!

Before I provide more details, I'll tell you a few things:

1. If you want to steal it, I'm not going to tell you where I live.
2. It's really not that fancy.
3. It wasn't that expensive.

Now that I've discouraged potential vandals away, I need to give you a few more details. 

I've been without a working tv for a while now. Well, kind of. My old one worked when it wanted to. When it didn't want to, the picture would either shake violently or show up as a single line that was about a millimeter wide.

Stupid tv.

I decided last week I'd had it with my old one. I went to college. I have a degree hanging up in my office. 

If I want to watch a movie, I should be able to, dammit!

So I went shopping on Saturday. In the process, I fell on my butt on the ice (ouch), but thankfully I wasn't carrying my new tv when that happened.

If you want an idea of how I shop for big purchases, this is from a previous blog post of mine: 

They started off by saying that they needed to price every single material used, at different stores. Then they wanted to compare prices, then they needed to spend a while thinking about it before they made a decision.
Um...that's exactly what I would do. Actually, I'm pretty sure I've done this exact thing multiple times. Blog post:

Anyway, it took a few hours, but I finally made a decision. After some furniture shuffling, I got it all hooked up and ready to go. (And by I, I mean my dad did all of it.)

Cool, I have a tv that works! The best thing of all: It does what I tell it to. When I tell it to change the channel, it does. When I tell it to turn on or off, it does.

And, get this: It has a remote!

Fancy pants! I don't even remember the last time I had one of those.

It's the simple things in life that make me happy. Electronics that follow my directions are one of them.

The interesting thing, I think, is my tv stand. I had to switch shelves, and my tv stand now is an old record player. 

I've loved that record player ever since I could remember. When I moved out of town last time, I took it with me because my parents didn't want it.

How could you not want that? We tore the record part out a long time ago and put a shelf in there. There's a radio, too (that no longer works) and there's some shelves on the bottom, perfect for holding books and DVDs.

The contrast of old and new technology is not lost on me.

It's a beautiful piece of furniture, that now holds a beautiful new piece of technology (that isn't fancy or worth stealing, potential thieves reading this).

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