Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Cheating pants

Picture this: Aunt Monica is in the front yard, playing with three little girls.

I'm drawing with sidewalk chalk, calm and peacefully, when my favorite little redhead, who is 6 years old, comes up with an idea.

She's in the mood to run, and she knows she can outrun her sisters. So, basically, my favorite redhead is in the mood to win.

She attempts to line her sisters up by my car, which is parked in the street. Only, her sisters aren't having it and keep doing sisterly things, like not paying attention to the race.

It's kind of like herding cats.

Finally, they all three line up, and the two other sisters start running well before I say the word 'ready' in the phrase, 'Ready? Set? Go!'

So, two little girls are running their hearts out, and get to me, where I'm sitting on the front porch. The little redhead never moved from my car, maybe 30 feet away, and now she's very angry and upset.

My favorite redhead spits out the most sour insult that she can think of in her little brain. She says: "You guys are cheating cheater heads and you have your cheating pants on today!"

Just then, a neighbor walks past with his dogs, gives me a look, and starts laughing. (In little redhead's defense, her sisters were totally being cheating cheater heads.)

I'm going to keep that insult and lock it away until a day that I can use it. If and when there comes a day that the little redhead (or her sisters) grows up and gets cheated on in a relationship, I'm going to take her some ice cream and a bottle of wine.*

I'm going to tell her that the guy is a cheating cheater head who had his cheating pants on that day. I will tell her that eventually, she will find a guy who wears adult pants and not cheating pants.

I'm looking forward to that day, not because her heart will be broken, but because I know how to help it.


*If she's old enough. If she's not, then it will be sparkling grape juice.

Also, the kids had me draw them with sidewalk chalk, and then they all started sitting on each other's sidewalk chalk character. The 'My butt is on your face!' comments were out of this world.

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