Sunday, April 9, 2017

Part 1: I did what I did

I had a hot date Friday night in Wichita with Eric Church and 12,000 of my closest friends.

Oh. My. God.

Before I talk about the actual concert, let's talk about the events leading up to said concert.

Eric Church made a comment at the concert that they were going to play a song for the fans who were there for him in the beginning. He thanked those fans, and told them that they meant a lot to him.

I had never heard the song before. It was something about a highway with two lanes.

Sorry, Eric. I have not been there since the beginning. I had no idea what song you were singing.

I still have a lotta boot left to fill.

The song that got me hooked on Eric Church was Record Year. The first couple of times I heard it, I thought what everyone else thought.

You're so egotistical that you're singing about how popular you are? How stupid! Shut up and go away!

But, people, I kept listening to that song, and I figured out that it's about a relationship ending. When they break up, he starts listening to old records to get over her.

I'm either gonna get over you or I'm gonna blow out my ears.

He thanks her in the end for his record year - literally, the year he spent listening to records because of her.

If you find your way back, I owe you a beer for my record year.

I didn't exactly write a press release and publicize this topic when it happened, but right around the time Record Year came out, the relationship that I was in ended. It wasn't the end of the world, and it wasn't the first time that something bad happened to me.

But a relationship in your 30s is different. I could try to explain it, but I won't. It's different, because it just is.

It wasn't my choice to end it, and it hurt.

It hurt a lot.

The song Record Year got me through some really tough days and nights. I listened to that song over and over, until I practically blew out my ears. When I got mad about something, I'd go home, pull out my Bose, and blast that song on repeat until I felt better.

When I was having a bad day, that song would play on the radio. I instantly felt better.

That album, Mr. Misunderstood, played a huge part in healing a very broken and sad Monica.

Holy crap, Eric Church, you amazing human being.

Thank you for helping me heal.

I was in Wichita seven months ago when I sent my Mom a text message. I had just listened to Record Year and Over When It's Over over and over again, and I was sick and tired of being sick and tired.

My text message to my Mom said something like, 'Wanna see Eric Church in Wichita with me?'

Her answer: 'Yes.'

My relationship might have failed, but that doesn't mean I can't have a little bit of fun.

Life goes on, if you let it.

We bought tickets, waited seven months, and the rest is history.

(Part 2 coming.)

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