Wednesday, February 1, 2017

An agile Pickle

For the first four weeks of dog agility class, my little black Pug wasn't very thrilled about it.

There were times I thought about staying home because she hated it so much.

But we soldiered on, going every week, even though her tail was down and she acted scared of everything.

Last night, for the first time in a month, I took her leash off of her and we ran the agility course.

She did amazing!

The first run through she did pretty good. Like I told the instructor, her biggest flaw is that she doesn't listen to me off-leash. I don't know how many times I chased her through my neighborhood in the past year when she bolted out the door.

The second time we went off leash was a little rougher, but funny.

At the end of the night, Pickles the black Pug was tired. She sat down in the middle of the course. She went to the stairs to try to leave. If she wanted to sniff a spot five feet away, she did.

And when the instructor and I tried to get her attention, she ran to us wagging her tail. Like, 'Oh, I remember what I'm supposed to be doing!'

My Pickle has the attention span of a gnat. And, it's totally adorable.

It's also her job to tell every single person and every single dog hello in class.

I call her the welcoming committee. She's pretty good at her job.

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