Friday, July 22, 2016

Part 4 - Horsing around.

I spent Friday night at my Mom and Dad's house, because I really thought my house had a pretty good chance of burning down.

On Saturday morning, my house, along with every other house in the neighborhood, was still standing.


I spent Saturday lounging around and sleeping, and being thankful I still had a bed to lay in.

On Saturday night, the Pugs and I went to bed. My brother sent me a text message, saying he wanted to go take photos out in the country.

Take me, I said.

So around midnight, we went out looking for the Milky Way out by a lake.

It was too cloudy and the moon was too bright.

I was kind of being a little shit. I don't do spontaneous things in the middle of the night, I have an anxiety problem, and I really don't like water. The thing I don't like most in life is doing spontaneous things at night near water.

This is my nightmare.

I asked my brother to please not drive into a lake and kill me several times. He listened, and we drove back to town. I was trying to prolong the trip, because I had my phone open to Pokemon Go and was catching a shit-ton of them.

We were driving along Wyatt Earp, and my brother started slowing down. I'm pretty sure my face was in my phone. I wasn't paying attention to why he was slowing down. And then I looked to my right, and a freaking horse was RIGHT THERE.

A beautiful horse, either black and white or gray, with a saddle, almost ran into our car (on my side, nonetheless). I screamed like a little girl. It's not something you expect seeing, you know?

The horse crossed Wyatt Earp, and went along his horsey way, all at 1 a.m.

Oh my God. It was almost a drive by horsing!

My brother and I had a conversation. Do we need to call this in? I always call in cattle when I see them out, so people don't hit them on the highway.

We ended up calling it in. I handed my brother on my phone after I dialed the number, mostly because I was giggling like a little girl and couldn't have a serious conversation about a horse crossing the street at 1 a.m. in town.

Who keeps a horse saddled in the middle of the night? And, in town? Where else does this happen besides Dodge City, Kansas?

My best guess is that it got out of a trailer at a nearby hotel, maybe.

It provided some terrific fodder, pictured below.

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