Wednesday, May 18, 2016

"The 5 Least Sexy Experiences Everyone Goes Through."

I read one of those stupid click-baity articles earlier today.

It was titled something like "The 5 Least Sexy Experiences Everyone Goes Through."

Having the flu was on the list. Now, I'm not exactly bashful when it comes to embarrassing medical problems. I've had cysts removed, I've been poked and prodded when something needed to be biopsied (it was fine, no worries), and I stopped counting how many people saw me missing some article of clothing during the biopsy problem a few years ago.

Oh, and I slobber a lot during root canals. Like, an insane amount. I'm pretty sure it's not normal.

These things don't normally bother me. A body is a body is a body, and I'm no different.


But something about having the flu just seems like the end of the world is near. A week later, I'm just now starting to get hungry and eat solid foods.

But like I said in my previous blog post, the last week of my life has not been the best week of my life. There was one particular moment when I felt especially low. I was walking through a store that rhymes with "shal-mart" and waiting to pick up my anti-nausea medication.

That involved sitting in a doctor's office and explaining my symptoms to more than one person. My doctor's office does a pretty good job of coming up with solutions to my weird requests. (I couldn't stand the thought of swallowing medicine, so I got something that dissolved instead. It worked wonders.)

That particular day last week, I was holding pepto, toilet paper, and the pharmacist who is probably a lot younger than me was talking to me about the side effects of the medication, which apparently includes constipation.

I looked around and saw several people I knew in the store at about 1 p.m. on a weekday.

I avoided them all.

Life is not always pretty, folks.

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