Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Stupid.

I heard a good saying recently: This weekend I'm just going to drink and forget this week happened.

The person who said that did not have the same week I did. I'll tell my side of the story, though. I don't know what his side of the story is because I wasn't really with it, or able to adult, this week.

To say I had a toothache was an understatement. On a pain scale, it was 'I want to light myself on fire and jump off a cliff to just end it' pain.

After making a phone call where I begged for an earlier appointment, I talked with my endodontist about my pain yesterday.

For those normal people who don't know what an endodontist is, it's a dentist that specializes in root canals. If you don't need one, be thankful and chew something extra crunchy for me tonight.

I was expecting the worst. I was thinking he would tell me I'd need at least two root canals, maybe three. Hell, maybe some of the teeth I was worried about weren't even worth saving.

I told him my symptoms, and my looked at my teeth. Then he poked around my face, underneath my eyes.

Does that hurt?

Well, it doesn't feel pleasant.

What about that?

Well, if you hit it, it hurts.

He then sat me up and told me that I had two pretty serious problems, and that he could only fix one of those problems.

I had a tooth that needed a root canal, and I had another infection that was causing the fever that I had.

My mind went crazy. Jesus Christ, I thought. I need gum surgery again. I have another infected tooth. I need a tooth pulled. Oh my God, I might need a few teeth pulled.

I might as well just get all of my teeth pulled and leave these problems behind, I thought.

Then he told me what the second problem was.

I had a sinus infection.

Wait. That's it?

I felt really, really stupid. I was sure, I was positive, I KNEW I had other teeth problems. (Note: I will always have these problems, but apparently not this time.)

I've gotten those pains mixed up in the past, but I don't think I've ever had them both at once. You'd think at 30 I'd have it all figured out, but I don't.

My whole family spent a couple of days coughing and sneezing, but no one really had a bad cold. I was proud of myself for not catching it.

Apparently I caught it and The Stupid instead.


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