Monday, January 26, 2015

On Para sailing

I chickened out of zip lining in Cancun because I thought I'd be too scared.

I learned recently I have a little problem with heights. It involved having a panic attack while walking up a grain bin out of state.

Heights? No thank you. I prefer land, please.

In Cancun I was sitting on the beach, reading a book, relaxing. A co-worker asked me if I was feeling brave.

Say what?

He offered me his spot para sailing.

Sign me up!

I do better with situations if they're not planned in advance sometimes. I had maybe 20 or 30 minutes of warning before it happened.

I figured if it's your time to go, you might as well go out doing something with an awesome view in a beautiful setting.

Is it the safest thing I've ever done? No, probably not.

Would I do it again?


I loved para sailing. I'm not sure how or why I loved it so much, since I'm deathly afraid of water and mildly afraid of heights.

But hey, it worked.

Towards the end of the ride, they bring you down close to the water and then dip your legs in it. I could hear my co-worker's wife on the boat, telling them that I don't like water and hey, don't do that!

It made me laugh.

Getting dipped in the water was my favorite part. The water was nice and warm. Peaceful, even.

My list of firsts that happened on this vacation: Para sailing, being on a boat, being on a jet-ski (that guy was crazy, by the way), swimming in a dark hole in the ground, seeing a sunrise over the ocean, and probably some other stuff that I'm forgetting.

Can't beat that view.

I'm flying!

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