Sunday, January 25, 2015


I've been a bad blogger lately. I have tons of things to say about my recent trip, but not enough time to actually get them all written down.

This post is going to be about the food in Cancun.

Now, let me just tell you something. I don't like fish. I hate the smell of it, and 99 percent of the time when I eat it in Kansas, it tastes like snot.

It's kind of stupid to go on a beach vacation and order chicken and beef, so I stepped outside my comfort zone and ate things I wouldn't normally eat.

It was delicious!

Mahi Mahi was my favorite. So much flavor! Grouper was acceptable, but not my favorite. I had lamb a few times, which might be the best thing I've ever tasted.

Lamb. It was delicious.
We also had lobster, shark, and probably some other things that I can't think of right now. I tried plantains for breakfast one morning. Yummy!

One of my friends also introduced me to breakfast crepes. Minus the lamb, I'm pretty sure it was the best thing I've ever tasted.

You can't go wrong with peanut butter and chocolate in the morning. I put learning how to make crepes on my list of things to do in life.


A co-worker's adorable dessert one night.
And I didn't even mention the fruit. Let's just say that I'll never eat canned pineapple again. When I ordered room service, I always ordered a fruit plate to go with it.


Room service food. Pretty much the best thing ever.

Margarita pizza, also room service. 
For desserts at night, I just said "no milk" and let them surprise me with something. (Meh, lactose intolerant.) All of the restaurants brought out incredibly beautiful desserts for me. I usually don't even bother looking at the dessert menu, because I know I can't eat most of what's on it.

But they actually made me a milk-less plate. And it was beautiful.

Non-dairy dessert. Yum.

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