Tuesday, May 6, 2014

New goals

I fell off the bandwagon.

Last year, I got into the habit of working out five times a week, and burning between 400 and 500 calories. Sometimes it was more, sometimes it was less. I worked out until I was tired, and I was okay with whatever calorie number that was.

Through a series of unfortunate events, well, working out became an option and not a priority.

I've been trying to change that recently.

I've been going two or three times a week, and burning between 150 to 250 calories.

I need to get back on the bandwagon. My goal from now on is to burn 500 calories five days a week.

Lovingly stolen from Pinterest.

A plus I've noticed recently is that the gym I go to isn't busy. In February and March, it was so busy that I walked out several times because there were no machines available.

It's May now, and I'm pretty sure the New Year's resolutions people have given up. I feel guilty for being happy about that, and maybe I'm a terrible person, but it makes me happy that I can have whatever machine I want and not be squished between tons of people.

A less hectic gym makes me pretty happy.

The more intense workouts start tonight. We'll see what kind of a mood I'm in tomorrow.


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