Thursday, March 6, 2014

Enchants the soul

Lupita Nyong'o won an Oscar for best supporting actress for "12 Years a Slave."

Lupita spoke at the Black Women in Hollywood luncheon and gave a speech about beauty. That speech is one of the most wonderful things I've heard recently.

Here's the link.

My favorite part:

"To the beholders that I thought mattered, I was still unbeautiful. And my mother again would say to me, 'You can't eat beauty. It doesn't feed you.'

"And these words played and bothered me. I didn't really understand them, until finally I realized that beauty was not a thing that I could acquire or consume. It was something that I just had to be.

"And what my mother meant when she said, 'You can't eat beauty' is that you can't rely on how you look to sustain you. What actually sustains us, what is fundamentally beautiful, is compassion for yourself and for those around you. That kind of beauty enflames the heart, and enchants the soul."

Just to make sure you understand how beautiful those words are, I want you to read them again.

"What actually sustains us, what is fundamentally beautiful, is compassion for yourself and for those around you. That kind of beauty enflames the heart, and enchants the soul."

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