Thursday, March 23, 2017


Canning combines some of my favorite hobbies, including cooking, couponing, and gardening.

Since it's March, I'm not doing much gardening these days. I'm dreaming of days when my tomatoes are growing like crazy and taking over my yard.

Until then, I have to watch sale prices at the store if I want to can. When I went to the store the other day, blackberries were on sale for 99 cents. Jalapenos are crazy cheap, and are under $1 per pound.

Blackberry jalapeno jam, here I come!

I started following one recipe, then I scratched that and followed another. I added some of my own touches in the middle, because I thought it'd taste better and I'm a rebel like that.

Namely: The recipes told me to mash the blackberries with a potato masher. I tried that, but nothing really happened. Maybe the blackberries weren't quite ripe enough for that?

You can't really stop canning in the middle of a canning session, so I improvised. I pulled out my blender and stuck the piping hot mixture in it. That's stupid dangerous, but I made do. Plus, I still have all of my fingers and toes. (Score.)

This jam is the most gorgeous color of red I've ever seen. It's my favorite color of red, that deep, dark red wine color.

I made two recipes. I spent $5 on blackberries, 79 cents on jalapenos, and around $1 on lemons. I already had the sugar, pectin, jars and lids.

For a grand total of around $7, I made 17 cans of jam. could say I'm jammin!

One of my favorite things to do is to stay in my kitchen after I take the cars out of the water bath. Those sweet 'dings' are music to my ears.

Pure happiness.

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