Monday, December 5, 2016

Better at life.

I've been at the pharmacy twice today and the doctor's office three times today.

Here's the problemo: In order to be eligible for a prescription savings program, you have to have insurance. Good thing I have insurance, right? Except, no. In the pharmacy's eyes, I don't have insurance.

God only knows why. Without insurance, my medicine costs more than $1,000 a month.

But I have insurance! Well, the pharmacy doesn't think I have insurance.


Someone from the drug company needs to call the pharmacy and tell them something every single month I try to refill the medicine. Except, I can't call the drug company guy myself. He isn't allowed to know my name because of HIPAA. So, I have to explain this to the doctor's office, who then has to call the drug company guy and get him to call the pharmacy.

I explained this to my doctor's office. The poor assistant just stared at me. I asked her if she understood any of what I said.

She said no.

I told her I didn't understand it, either.

There are three things in life that I am not good at. Those things are giving up, letting go and moving on.

Most of the time, those are very negative personality traits. In this instance, those three traits mean I'm too anal to let this go.

It's entirely possible that this medicine is not going to work out for me. Having a prescription for it doesn't do any good if it's going to cost me $1,000 a month.

But for now, I'm not going to give up. I will babysit whoever I need to babysit, and I will be relentless about it.

I do not have the medicine yet. I also have not laid in bed sobbing about it like I did last month.

I'm getting better at life.

Drug company: So your pharmacy wants approval from us for you to have this medicine? That doesn't make any sense.

Me: Yes, I know. Preach it, sista.

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