Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Not a cat.

This week, I'm trying to meet my step goal every single day.

So far, I'm killing it. I think I need to change my goal to meet my steps every single day for the rest of the summer.

It would be nice to lose a good 5-10 pounds before the end of August. I've been lazy recently in exercising, and I need to get better.

Tonight, apparently my nap was more important than exercise. By the time I woke up, it was getting dark outside. I still needed a good 2,500 steps, maybe a little more.

I rolled out of bed and thought about just walking around my house to get the steps. But no, I thought, I need to make an effort and leave my house to exercise.

Meh, leaving the house.

By the time I got to the walking track, it was around the time I usually finish my walk.

I parked my car, popped my headphones in, and turned on my workout playlist on Spotify. While I don't particularly enjoy exercise (who does?), it's nice to listen to music and forget about my worries for a little while.

Plus, no one was walking because it was dark out, which meant I didn't have to awkwardly wonder if I should smile at people walking the opposite direction.

It started out as a peaceful walk with no other human interaction for this introvert.

About halfway through the walking track, I noticed something move in front of me, maybe 25 feet away.

It was black. At first I thought it was a cat, so I kept walking.

It was hanging out on the cement, right in the way of where I was going to walk. When it started moving, I noticed that the black cat was long, skinny, and had a white stripe down its back.

My exact thought at that point: OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD.

Not a cat.
I turned around and walked back to my car. I'm happy to report that I'm capable of moving really, really fast, especially if the consequences of not moving fast involve getting skunked.

I kept looking back, wondering if it was chasing me. Do skunks chase people? I have no idea. I can't say that I've ever been in a position to think about that before now.

As I was walking really, really fast, trying to outrun a skunk, a thought ran through my mind.

Well, at least this will make a good blog post.

Next time, I'll exercise in the daylight. Also, as I was running away from a skunk, my FitBit started to buzz.

I met my step goal.

I met my step goal today running away from a skunk.

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