Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Life and its annoying little problems.

I haven't been very good at blogging lately.

Being busy is a poor excuse, but I really have been busy.

I've been busy being a judge for a downtown scarecrow contest in my hometown. I've been busy trying to buy last-minute things for my beach trip in a couple of months. I've been discovering and loving a local antique shop that just opened.

There's a table and chairs set I love. Actually, love isn't a strong enough word to describe my feelings for this table and chairs.

They're perfect.

I haven't bought them yet, but if they're still there in January, I'm going to be all over that.

Antiquing is interesting. I can't say I've ever been in an antique store. I smiled as soon as I walked in the door last weekend.

This is my kind of place.

There's a shelf at a big box store that I want, but I can't justify spending more than $100 on it. I dug around the antique store a little bit, and found some suitable replacements for said shelf.

Total cost? Something like $15.

Plus, they had some cool looking old ladders on display as quilt racks.

That idea is brilliant! I've been looking for a quilt rack but I haven't found any I like. I think sticking some felt on the ladder step to protect the quilts from old paint will work out just fine.

There's another problem checked off of my stuff-to-worry-about list.

I also have the problem of having a table with no chairs, so I don't know that I can justify buying another table and four chairs. That still leaves me with the original problem.

Hmm. Life and its annoying little problems...

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