Tuesday, May 16, 2017


Before I continue with my series of EC posts, I have to stop for a minute and fess up to a couple of mistakes I made in a previous blog post.

I know for sure one was a mistake. I think I messed up the other one, too. I could probably Google it, but I'm not going to.

My first post of the EC concert in Wichita said that he sang a song about two highway lanes. It turns out that I'm not always right.

The song that he played was called Two Pink Lines, and it's actually pretty hilarious. It's not about two lanes on a highway, and it's not about a pink highway.

It's a song about a girl taking a pregnancy test. (Two means three, and a diamond ring.)

It's a song that I love now.

So, that was my first correction I have to make. I don't always get it right.

I screw up sometimes.

The second correction I have is a little more complicated. In Wichita, I thought he was singing Hallelujah.

I don't know if that's true or not. I'm going to issue a quasi-correction here. I think, and I don't really know this for sure, but I think the version of Hallelujah that blared out was the original version of the song.

I could Google it, but I don't want to.

I feel bad for screwing those two things up with my previous blog post. 

I'm sorry, dudes. I'll try and do better next time.


Now that I think about it, I have one more correction to make.

Keep in mind, I'm from western Kansas and I honestly don't know any better.

I was driving around in Wichita after my doctor's appointment, trying to find my way onto a road that would take us east. I ended up facing a hotel, not on the road that took us to paradise, but we ended up facing a hotel that was being built.

The sign was up on the hotel. I had never heard of the name. I thought it was French. I thought it was a fancy-pants swanky hotel, and I told my Mom to take a picture of it.

"La Qui."

And then we saw the other side of the building.

You guys...it was a La Quinta. The "nta" part of "Quinta" just hadn't been put up yet on the side of the building that was facing us.

And that's my personality in a nutshell. And yes, we took a picture of it.

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