Sunday, May 14, 2017

Part 3: Happy Mother's Day

After the Eric Church Show in Wichita in April, I knew that I had to go to another concert.

Yes, the Wichita show was great, don’t get me wrong. But I felt like it wasn’t complete. When I got online to check his tour dates, I told myself that if there was one more show within driving distance, I was going to it.

Driving distance to me is a relative thing. I drive all the time. I’ve lived in Oklahoma City (for a whopping two months 10 years ago) and driven in Denver, Lincoln, Omaha, Dallas and Austin.

I can really drive anywhere, guys. Parking is another story that I really don't want to admit or talk about just yet. I might have gotten lost tonight after I left a parking garage, and I might have had to Google Maps my way to a building THAT WAS ATTACHED TO THE PARKING GARAGE.


Anyway, one more Eric Church show popped up on his tour date list within driving distance of Kansas.

Saint Louis.

Saint Louis!

Saint Louie!

I was there when the Cardinals won the World Series when I was in college. 

Saint Louis it is.

I called my Mom back in April, and I asked her if she was sitting down. I asked her if she wanted to go to the EC concert with me in Saint Louis.

She said no.

I told her she was dead to me, and then I hung up the phone on her. (I was kidding…kind of.)

I gave it a few days, and religiously checked online to see if there were still tickets available. A few days in, I gave in. I was afraid of the show selling out. I bought two tickets and crossed my fingers that my Mom would change her mind.

I was willing to go alone, but of course it'd be a whole lot more fun to go with another person.

A few days later, at the end of April, I got a text message.

“Yes, I’ll go.”

Yes, Mom. I know that because I already bought you a ticket. You’re going, whether you like it or not.

At the end of the night, when it was past midnight, I looked at my mom. It was Sunday, May 14. I gave her a hug and a kiss.

Happy Mother’s Day.

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