Tuesday, August 29, 2017


I parked in front of a doctor's office in Wichita on my way to another doctor's office.

I was a few minutes early, so I relaxed in the car for a minute. I looked up, and I laughed at this.

Text from bff: At least he goes to lunch at the same time every day.

Monday, August 21, 2017


Stolen from a Facebook friend:

It boggles my mind to think how overwhelmingly powerful the Sun really is. We were seeing less than 10% of its glow, yet it was still light enough out to hunt for 4-leafed clovers and needles in haystacks.

From me:

Today I decided the sun is a badass.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017


Shamelessly stolen from an online forum:

acknowledge the problem


make an effort to correct 

look into ways it doesn't happen again

ask for another chance to earn their business 



Sunday, August 13, 2017

Sometimes, all you need is a hand to hold

Use every crayon color that you've got
A fishing pole sinks faster than a tackle box
Nothing turns a day around like licking a mixing bowl
I learned that from a three year old
A garbage can is a damn good spot to hide truck keys
Why go inside when you can go behind a tree?
Walking barefoot through the mud will knock the rust
right off your soul
I learned that from a three year old
You can be a cowboy on the moon
Dig to China with a spoon
Talk to Jesus on the phone
Say I love you all day long
And when you're wrong, you should just say so
I learned that from a three year old
Mama is an angel, I heard him tell the man upstairs
He went on and on and back and forth like God was laying there
Tonight, I sleep me down to lay and pray to keep my soul
Yeah, I learned that from a three year old
You can be a cowboy on the moon
Dig to China with a spoon
Talk to Jesus on the phone
Say I love you all day long
And when you're wrong, you should just say so
I learned that from a three year old
Sometimes, all you need is a hand to hold
Couple arms to kill the cold
And when I'm wrong, I should just say so
I learned that from a three year old
Yeah, honey, I learned that from our three year old

Three Year Old
Eric Church

Thursday, August 10, 2017

I don't need new ones.

The context of the following conversation is not important, so I'm not going to explain it.

I just thought it was funny at the time.

My brother: What if you become friends with her because of her baby, and what if you get sucked into drugs too? What if you start dealing drugs?

Me: Uh, do you think I would actually make a new friend? I have friends. I don't need new ones. There are no vacancies in that department of my life.

My brother pauses for a second and doesn't say much. Then he finally comes up with a response: ...yeah, I'm the same way.

*Please note, I have never done drugs. My only vice is Pugs.

Penny and me

This dog is the best thing that's ever happened to me.

We've been through changes in jobs, apartments, houses, cities, relationships and teeth. I got my other dogs so she could have some buddies to hang out with when I'm gone.

I love my other dogs, but Penny is my original pig. She will always be my first fur child in my adult life.

Penny and me are a team.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Not lost on me

I wrote this last week. 
You don't have to tell me that dental infections can be bad. Deadly, even.
When I wake up in the morning, I remind myself to be thankful and grateful that I finally found a team of doctors who can fix my problems. 
They're a pretty great team. I like these new people a lot.
It means a lot to me to have people I just met stick up for me and work hard to fix my problems. I haven't had that in the past, and the importance of that is not lost on me.


I met doctor #18 today, a new physical therapist because #17 is on maternity leave.
I cancelled my first appointment with #18 because that was the week my tooth, mouth and life exploded.
I explained what happened to my tooth to my PT, because being on antibiotics and pain killers completely wrecked my digestive system. Like, all the progress I had made in that department of my life went down the toilet.

Doctor #18 looked at me after I explained the problem, and she told me the infection I had in my mouth could have gone to my heart.
"That oral surgeon just saved your life."
Today I ate a piece of humble pie. 
I am amazed at Wichita's health care. It's the best care I've ever had and I've loved all the doctors I've gone to there.
Thank you, Wichita, for saving my life.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017


You always told me that pain is a gift.

Your pain is a gift. My pain is just painful.


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Not going to happen

Found on Reddit: "Fun" and "going out" expenses are not going to happen for a while, because it just hit the fan.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Nashville quotes

- You are not going to throw away the opportunity of a lifetime just because you got dumped.

- I know you think this is the end of the world, but it's not.

- Plan? There is no plan. I'm making this stuff up as I go.

- I want where I'm going to be better than where I came from.

- I need pointers on how to be spontaneous.
It's not that hard. You listen to what people tell you to do and do the opposite.

- You can't save people who don't want to be saved.

- In grief people do a lot of strange stuff.

- You are allowed to make mistakes in life. You are allowed to have feelings about that. You are allowed to stand up for yourself.


Society: You look great! How much weight have you lost? What's your exercise routine? What's your secret?

Me: Uh...

People, I have organ damage from my digestive issues, plus I didn't really eat food for a while because my face felt like it was on fire and trying to kill me.

New rule: Don't ever ask anyone about their weight.