Friday, November 14, 2014

When life inevitably falls apart in your hands.

A few weeks ago I was driving out of town. I felt something hit my leg, but I didn't think much of it.

I noticed a few days ago that I was missing a screw from my windshield visor in my car. Aha! That must have been what hit me in the leg.

Now, fast forward a few days. With the time change it seems like it gets dark at approximately 2 p.m.  (I'm whining and exaggerating, but still). I put off finding that little screw on the floor on my car.

I was driving earlier this week into the sun in town. I reached up to pull my visor down and the whole thing came off in my hands.

Ha, ha. There's probably a joke about things falling apart in my hands in there somewhere.

I finally fixed it last night (by myself, thankyouverymuch). Not having a visor reminds me of what it feels like to know you don't have electricity during a storm. You always flick on the light switch when you enter a room, because that's just what human beings do, regardless of how useless it is when the power is out.

I knew my visor was sitting in my passenger seat, but every time I got in my car over the past few days I reached my hand up and tried to use it.

Change is hard.

Writer's note: Pieces of my car might be falling apart, but my favorite kind of car is the one I don't have to make a car payment on. Have I ever mentioned that?

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