Wednesday, September 10, 2014

A case of the blahs.

I don't deal with change very well.

It was north of 80 degrees on Monday. Yesterday there was a monsoon in Nebraska, where I'm working for the week, and today it was in the 50s and overcast.

Change is hard, even if it just involves the weather.

My allergies don't really know what to think of this. I set a new record and sneezed 12 times in a row yesterday. Sigh.

To make it all worse, I'm kind of a moron and I didn't bother to check the weather forecast before I packed. In my defense, I got home at 9 p.m. Sunday and left at 7 a.m. Monday, so there wasn't a whole lot of time for planning ahead.

Anyway, I didn't do a hot job of packing for this trip. I didn't bring a coat or a raincoat, and I brought my kind-of good shoes and no jeans.

The farm show we're working at got canceled today because of the downpour yesterday. Tonight for dinner I wore nice black pants, a pair of cute flats I just bought today, a t-shirt I wear for pajamas and an $18 coat I had to buy at Wal-Mart in Nebraska on Monday night.

I didn't pack jeans or a non-pajama shirt.


I want to go home and hear my Pug snore all night.

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