Monday, May 5, 2014

Under construction

There are things that you're allowed to gripe about in life, and then there are those things that you shouldn't really complain about.

What I'm about to complain about is the epitome of a first world problem.

I live north of the highway in town. I work south of the highway in town. Said highway is under construction at the moment, something about a resurfacing project that might last a few more weeks.

It's the most annoying thing that's happened to me within the past month.

Yes, I know that it's for the greater good. I'm thankful for the people who stand outside on hot days to direct traffic to make sure everyone is safe.

That being said, I'm going to be a total brat and complain now.

My brain knows there's road construction, and it knows the way around it. All I have to do is take the side road a couple of miles to the outskirt of town, turn on the highway for about a block, then resume my normal route to work.

Sounds easy, right?

I've driven the same way to work for almost three years. Change is not easy. Every morning, every day at lunch, and every night I end up going the same way and turning at the same stop light.

And then I realize, darn, there's road construction and now I have to wait a few minutes for that pilot car.

Have you ever tried to change something that you do every day, multiple times a day? Trust me when I say that it isn't easy. It's annoying and hard.

Life just isn't fair sometimes.

(Editor's note: It's my blog and I'll whine about something stupid if I want to. Also annoying: typing while growing your fingernails out. I might be in a bad mood today...)

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