Saturday, May 3, 2014

Quick notes tonight.

Good evening!

I have a few quick notes tonight.

First off, my Pug went to battle with that Pug in the mirror again the other night. This time, Penny pawed at the mirror, and the mirror fell on her. It's not heavy and she wasn't hurt.

That stupid Pug in the mirror won the fight. It was pretty funny.

Good times.


I'm happy to report that this blog is now award winning! I joined the Kansas Professional Communicators group last year, but am just now becoming involved in it.

I won several other awards too, but this is the one that I'm most excited about.

Winning stuff, yeah!


I have some more Lost quotes for you. If you need a friendly reminder, some friends and I are watching Lost on DVD. We're on the third season, and it's starting to get weirder by the minute.

Anyway, quotes:

"Don't be so hard on yourself. It doesn't happen overnight."

"If you want to change, then change."

"I was raised to never question my blessings."

"People are saved in different ways."

"Why would fate do that?"

"There are many distractions along the way."

"It doesn't matter who we were, it only matters who we are now."


Possibly my favorite time of the year is when my Mom's lilac bushes bloom.

I didn't get to experience this last year because of the weather. But this year? This year I'm soaking up that wonderful scent.

I'm pretty sure that's what Heaven will smell like.


Speaking of nature waking up, in two bouts of sneezing today I managed to sneeze 21 times.

Hi, spring. Nice to see you.


I haven't been to the Cosmosphere in Hutch in years. I had fun there the other day.

Also, I managed to amaze myself. Even though I had multiple navigation tools at my fingertips, I still managed to get lost.

Hutch and I don't get along. It's the one city that I can't navigate, for some weird reason.

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