Thursday, December 16, 2021


I’m still not completely sure what happened to me yesterday, but I’m pretty sure that I just drove though and then ran (on my feet) through a tornado.

How do you not know whether it’s a tornado when you’ve lived in Kansas your whole life?

I don’t know how to explain that.

All I know is that when I left, everything was fine and that storm was not a tornado warmed storm.

And then things imploded, I drove back to town, and there were really dark clouds.

When I got to my place, I ran inside, grabbed my dogs, and then watched as my lights flickered and then went out. 

There were also some really interesting noises above us.

I am fine, physically. My things are fine. My mind is not fine, and it’s going to be a while before I get over that one.

I’ve lived in Kansas my whole life. I know you’re not supposed to be in a car or out in it. And…I did both of those things.

I Kansas so bad, I don’t deserve Kansas anymore.

Things are okay, mostly. There’s a boil water advisory, some people are still without power, and there’s tree damage everywhere. 

I haven’t seen any official reports of whether it was a tornado, but if it was one, it wasn’t big enough to amount to anything.

(In my defense, there was a tornado warning and sirens were going off.)

I did not have driving and running through a tornado on my 2020-2021 bingo card. 

I’m sick of that damn bingo game. I hate bingo.

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