Wednesday, September 8, 2021

If you let it.

The past few weeks have been pretty trying, but they haven’t been the most trying time of my life. 

The thing is, life isn’t always pretty. Sometimes things don’t work out the way you want them to, and sometimes, when it gets down to it, life just sucks sometimes.


I’ve been hiding from writing for a while now. About two weeks ago, I moved into a cute little place in my new town. I’m going to just use the words “my place” because that sounds more grown up than “my apartment.”


I could write about the ugly details, but I won’t. I don’t live in a house, which is weird, guys.


But for right now, this works. It’s cute. I have my dogs with me, and I’m getting a kick out of my blind dog earnestly trying to learn her way around our new place.


Things have been different for the past few months. It turns out that I pretty much suck at moving, and half of my things are still in storage. Some things are piled high in my second bedroom at my place. That bedroom door is shut, because I honestly can’t handle the mess that’s behind it.


I was excited to write a story about my life that had a happy ending. I was going to have a house party. I was going to blare music as loud as I wanted to, whenever I wanted to.


Life changed, and I think that’s okay. The one thing that this pandemic has taught me is that life doesn’t always go as planned.


For now, I have some of my possessions with me. My dogs are with me. We go to Starbucks on the weekends to get Puppachinos, because it’s the only way I know how to apologize to them for the shit year that they’ve had.


Other than that, I don’t know that I have a whole lot more to say about the current events in my life.


Sometimes things work out. Sometimes they don’t.

A quote from a book: "Life goes on, if you let it."

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