I was not in line at a concert. I was not in line for anything fun. I was in line to get a COVID test. The entire time I waited, I felt like David After Dentist.
Is this real life?
My ordeal started on Monday morning. I woke up and felt a familiar feeling in my stomach. The feeling of, oh, that's not good. I mean, Really Not Good.
I'm going to call it a very mild case of the flu. I'm also going to call it scary as hell because some of my symptoms mimicked COVID symptoms. So, off to get tested I went.
I'm thankful I tested negative. I'm thankful that my entire ordeal lasted about 45 minutes on Tuesday morning, 15 of which was spent in line before they opened at 8 a.m.
The entire time I sat in my car, I kept thinking about how we got here. How did we as a human race get to the point where we have to have COVID testing sites?
How did we get to the point where "I like your mask" becomes a normal thing to say?
I laugh at coronavirus memes online. I dream of the day that life can go back to normal. And dammit, I dream of the day that I can go to concerts again.
But on Tuesday morning, I was not laughing. I spent Monday night not moving on my couch with an ice pack on my head because my headache was so bad.
Again, I'm thankful I tested negative. But dammit, that was scary as hell.
I wish I had something positive to say for the end of thishereblogpost, but I have nothing.
Wear a damn mask. Social distance. Stay home, people. For me and for you.
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