Sunday, May 31, 2020

Throwback: Adult Prom

Here's another throwback wedding post from June 2014.

Podcast quotes

I listen to the Stuff Mom Never Told You podcast on a regular basis.

There was an episode this week called 'The Amateur Wedding Guest.' Writer Jen Doll was a guest on the podcast, and said some pretty cool things about weddings.

I think of it as prom for adults. It’s one of the few times in adult life where we get to repeat these really orchestrated, formalized affairs. We dress up, photos are taken, it’s really important. It happens less regularly than a birthday. And they’re always different. I think when we’re going to these things where love and romance and togetherness and a spirit of bonding, not just with the couple, but with the entire group of people there, we can’t help but feel a heightened emotional state at the same time.
 It’s all very dramatic. It’s like the Oscars, or a movie. We feel vulnerable, because when we see people doing this thing, we think about where we are in life, too. And maybe we don’t measure up. It’s very hard to ever feel like you’ve done it, you’ve got there, you’re great now, there’s nothing more in life you want.
 People getting married feel the same way. Getting married doesn’t suddenly mean you’re there, everything you’ve ever wanted has been achieved. You keep wanting things, you keep achieving. You’re vulnerable as humans because you have desires and emotions and you’re living life, and life is complicated.

This is definitely true. Looking around the room that night, I was pretty proud of what all of us achieved. We finished college, we have jobs, we've moved cities multiple times, we've gone through some pretty tough stuff.

And yet, at the end of the night, we're all still together and we're still celebrating each other's achievements.

That's pretty cool, if you ask me.

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