Monday, March 30, 2020

Day 3 - A song that reminds you of summer

For Day 3, I'm going to go with Eric Church's Springsteen.

And I'd like to point out that I wasted yesterday's blog on a song with 'summer' in the title. Oh well.

So, Springsteen. I think this song is one of EC's best songs. Other than the lyrics 'like the soundtrack to a July Saturday night' being in the song, this song reminds me of summer for one specific reason.

In the summer of 2018, there was a concert that I had my eye on. I knew the person I was dating at the time would not go with me, so I didn't bother asking him.

As that concert date got closer, I started checking ticket and hotel prices. I really, really wanted to go, but there was a problem in the form of a man who hated fun.

A week before the concert, the Heavens opened up and the angels started to sing. That relationship ended, which meant that I was free to do fun things, like go to an Eric Church concert in Oklahoma in August.

It's one of my favorite memories now. I bought a pit ticket, because I am me, and I made friends with the people around me. My concert buddy to the right of me told me to get out my Rolling Stone when EC was on our side of the stage.

And during the song Springsteen, the Heavens again opened up, and the angels (and the Church Choir) started to sing. I got my copy of Rolling Stone autographed during this song.

Funny how a melody sounds like a memory.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Day 2 - A song you like with a number in the title

This one was a little tricky, guys. I had to enlist my Dad for help, and he ultimately picked this song. 

While we were talking about song titles today, 'One' by Metallica came up, as did Dolly Parton's '9 to 5' and 'Summer of 69.' 

But '21 Summer' wins because I love Brothers Osborne with all of my heart (and because John Osborne plays the guitar like he invented it).

I looked on my phone from the concert I went to last year, and sadly, I did not get '21 Summer' on video. However, here is a YouTube link. 


Favorite lyrics:

I hope you find the storm that you were chasing
Hope your eyes are still as full of dreams
As they were that night when you slipped off those cut off jeans
When I hear the sound of high tide thunder
I can see your hair blowing in the breeze
I think about how you and that twenty-one summer made a man of me
Yeah you made a man of me
How yah been I'd love to hear 'bout how you been
You're the only broken heart I've ever had and love to have again


"You're the only broken heart I've ever had and love to have again."

We've all been there. 


This song and talking to my Dad today brings up several inappropriate stories, and I've really thought about keeping these stories to myself. 

But I'm the boss of thishereblog, and I think we shall explore the inappropriateness of life during this very inappropriate time in the world. 

Inappropriate story #1: I bought baby wipes for my best friend's son today. Because of the crazy times and this stupid virus that is threatening to uproot everything we know to be true in life, I've been trying to reach out to people who aren't as mobile as I am (re: elderly and those who have young kids) to see if they need anything.

And when bff's son needs wipes, you just shut up and buy the child wipes.

I loaded the wipes into my cart today, and my Dad made an inappropriate comment. Oftentimes in public, people mistake my Dad for my husband. I would be hugely embarrassed about that, but I'm not because it happens on a fairly regular basis. 

There was a joke in there somewhere today about how my Dad, who is often mistaken for my husband, and I were out buying baby wipes today. 

You know? Whatever. 

Inappropriate story #2: While bringing up the first inappropriate story, I had what I call a Random Boyfriend Flashback that was a little too good to keep to myself. So, naturally, I told my Dad.

When bff's child was born, I was dating a guy who lived in the next town over. The baby needed a different bottle that only a certain store in that town sells. When bff asked me to pick the item up for her, I immediately said yes. 

Because that's what you do when bff has a baby. I didn't even hesitate.

It wasn't until later that day when the guy that I was dating at the time mentioned to me that it was kind of weird to be dragged into a store by his new girlfriend to look at baby bottles. 

He said he was nervous about seeing his co-workers at the store the entire time I was in the baby section. 

Oops, I guess?

So, depending on how you look at the situation, I was telling my Dad/husband about my past boyfriend in public today.

Inappropriate? Maybe.

Funny? Definitely.

And we all need some funny in our lives right now.


And to the guy who thought I was weird for taking him shopping for baby bottles: I honestly didn't think it was weird at the time.

Also, I hope you find the storm that you were chasing. (For what it's worth, I also hope that storm is far, far away from me.)


Fun story about the song 'One' follows:

In college, I went on a road trip with a group of friends. I was driving, and the song 'One' started playing. Back then, I think my car showed the song title, but not the artist. My friend was expecting a U2 song, but instead of Metallica.

(It was probably a song I burned off Napster, too...)

Anyway, I still remember that friend's response to that song playing in my car: "Monica, I didn't know you had Metallica in you."

Oh, please. Of course I have some Metallica in me.

Doesn't everyone?

Cool challenge

Cool challenge: If you're working from home this week, name something your kids or pets did, but replace them with the word "co-worker" instead.

My take on this challenge: "I had a meeting on Sunday night. I had to yell at my co-worker and tell her to stop licking my toes."

Pickles wins at life. She's a pretty good project manager and co-worker, minus the licking issue.

Also, I'd like to give my bff an honorable mention on thishereblogpost, because she delivered lunch to my house today and gave me some much needed human interaction.

Her co-worker story: "I told my co-worker he couldn't wipe his nose on a hot dog."

Kids and pets, man. Kids and pets.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Day 1

Day 1: A song you like with color in the title

Taylor Swift - Red

Loving him is like driving a new Maserati down a dead-end street
Faster than the wind, passionate as sin, ending so suddenly
Loving him is like trying to change your mind once you're already flying through the free fall
Like the colors in autumn, so bright just before they lose it all
Losing him was blue like I'd never known
Missing him was dark grey all alone
Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met
But loving him was red

Loving him was red
Touching him was like realizing all you ever wanted was right there in front of you
Memorizing him was as easy as knowing all the words to your old favorite song
Fighting with him was like trying to solve a crossword and realizing there's no right answer
Regretting him was like wishing you never found out that love could be that strong
Losing him was blue like I'd never known
Missing him was dark grey all alone

Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met
But loving him was red
Oh, red
Burning red
Remembering him comes in flashbacks and echoes

Tell myself it's time now, gotta let go
But moving on from him is impossible
When I still see it all in my head
In burning red
Burning, it was red
Oh, losing him was blue like I'd never known
Missing him was dark grey all alone

Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met
'Cause loving him was red
Yeah, yeah, red
We're burning red
And that's why he's spinning 'round in my head
Comes back to me, burning red
Yeah, yeah
His love was like driving a new Maserati down a dead-end street


My notes: We've all been there, TSwift. 

We've all been there. 

Saturday, March 21, 2020

30 day song challenge

We all need some happy in the world. I never imagined that I would be discussing toilet paper rationing, social distancing and living in a world where travel is forbidden.

I'm going to start this challenge tomorrow.

Meanwhile, in the words of Zach Braff:

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Whatever that was

While the world is just going downhill this week, I'm going to offer you a little minute of happiness.

Here are 8 unreleased Eric Church songs. I'm particularly fond of 'Whatever That Was.'

Eric Church, I want a little more of whatever that was, too.

Whatever that was. 

It was unbridled passion
It was hell on wheels
It was two lives crashing like waves on a weekend beach
Stealing every feeling they could feel
It was bottle rockets popping
It was sweat and rock and roll
All starting and no stopping
Doors kept on locking
Felt like hell, but then what do I know

Whatever that was, it was money in the bank
It was cooler than the bills and the bottle we drink
24/7 can't sleep it off buzz
And I want a little more of whatever that was
I want a little more of whatever that was

It was blind inhibition
It was cruise control
It was the sound of her moaning the blues a little out of tune
Motel room off of Overdive Road
It was hold on tight
Let it all hang loose
It was muddy water clear, no hesitation to feel
Heaven's on the other side of that news

Whatever that was, it was money in the bank
It was cooler than the bills and the bottle we drink
24/7 can't sleep it off buzz
And I want a little more of whatever that was
I want a little more of whatever that was

*I have no idea if these are the right lyrics. I'm guessing here.

Also, stolen from Twitter:

THINGS U CAN STILL DO WHILE SOCIALLY DISTANCING: -Turn the quiet up -Turn the noise down -Let this ol’ world just spin around -Feel it swing, feel it sway -Put some feel good in your soul -Drink a little drink -Smoke a little smoke

Monday, March 16, 2020

You'll be breaking more hearts than mine

I've been listening to satellite radio recently, and I'm pretty sure it's the best decision I've ever made.

Love love love.

More hearts than mine

I can't wait to show you where I grew up
Walk you 'round the foothills of my town
Probably feel like you've been there before
After hearing all the stories I've been telling you
For six months now
We'll probably have to sleep in separate bedrooms
Pack a shirt for church because we'll go
I'm not trying to scare you off but
I just thought that we should talk a few things out
Before we hit the road
If I bring you home to mama
I guess I'd better warn ya
She falls in love a little faster than I do
And my dad will check your tires
Pour you whiskey over ice and
Take you fishing but pretend that he don't like you
Oh, if we break up, I'll be fine
But you'll be breaking more hearts than mine
My sister's gonna ask a million questions
Say anything she can to turn you red
And when you meet my high school friends
They'll buy you drinks and fill you in
On all the crazy nights I can't outlive
So if I bring you home to mama
I guess I'd better warn ya
She falls in love a little faster than I do
And my dad will check your tires
Pour you whiskey over ice and
Buy you dinner but pretend that he don't like you
Oh, if we break up, I'll be fine
But you'll be breaking more hearts than mine
If I bring you home to mama
I guess I'd better warn ya
She feels every heartache I go through
And if my dad sees me crying
He'll pour some whiskey over ice and
Tell a lie and say he never really liked you
Oh, if we break up, I'll be fine
But you'll be breaking more hearts than mine
You'll be breaking more hearts than mine

Friday, March 13, 2020


Last night, I retrieved my children from my Mom and Dad's house because I was away on business all day. And by children, I mean one sick dog, one stupid dog and one blind dog.

My Mom and I were sitting around the kitchen table discussing life.

Her: The coronavirus started from vampires, right?

Me: ...

Her: Bats. I meant bats, not vampires.

Me: Can I quote you on that?

Her: Yes.

Text message the next day: Damn bats! I mean vampires.


Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Cheating pants

Picture this: Aunt Monica is in the front yard, playing with three little girls.

I'm drawing with sidewalk chalk, calm and peacefully, when my favorite little redhead, who is 6 years old, comes up with an idea.

She's in the mood to run, and she knows she can outrun her sisters. So, basically, my favorite redhead is in the mood to win.

She attempts to line her sisters up by my car, which is parked in the street. Only, her sisters aren't having it and keep doing sisterly things, like not paying attention to the race.

It's kind of like herding cats.

Finally, they all three line up, and the two other sisters start running well before I say the word 'ready' in the phrase, 'Ready? Set? Go!'

So, two little girls are running their hearts out, and get to me, where I'm sitting on the front porch. The little redhead never moved from my car, maybe 30 feet away, and now she's very angry and upset.

My favorite redhead spits out the most sour insult that she can think of in her little brain. She says: "You guys are cheating cheater heads and you have your cheating pants on today!"

Just then, a neighbor walks past with his dogs, gives me a look, and starts laughing. (In little redhead's defense, her sisters were totally being cheating cheater heads.)

I'm going to keep that insult and lock it away until a day that I can use it. If and when there comes a day that the little redhead (or her sisters) grows up and gets cheated on in a relationship, I'm going to take her some ice cream and a bottle of wine.*

I'm going to tell her that the guy is a cheating cheater head who had his cheating pants on that day. I will tell her that eventually, she will find a guy who wears adult pants and not cheating pants.

I'm looking forward to that day, not because her heart will be broken, but because I know how to help it.


*If she's old enough. If she's not, then it will be sparkling grape juice.

Also, the kids had me draw them with sidewalk chalk, and then they all started sitting on each other's sidewalk chalk character. The 'My butt is on your face!' comments were out of this world.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020


When I went to bed at 11 p.m. Monday night, everything was fine. When I woke up Tuesday morning, I found out that everything was not fine.

That kind of happens when disaster strikes, though. Everything tends to be fine until it's suddenly not.

So far, the death count is at 24 in Nashville and middle Tennessee after a tornado ripped through at 1 a.m.

I kept track of the news all day yesterday and today. I have no words, just teary eyes. 

Nashville, you're beautiful and I love you. And I'm very, very sorry.