Wednesday, November 21, 2018

"Let's talk about Christmas."

I was sitting in my Mom and Dad's living room when my favorite little red head crawled onto my lap.

"Monica," little red head says. "Let's talk about Christmas."

Little girl told me she wanted a pretty dress and a pink snowman.

I asked her what color of dress she wanted. Please note that I've already hit the stores pretty hard for little girl dresses, and the only colors to be found now are red, gold, black and plaid.

Little red head: "I want a rainbow dress."

Me: "Well, little L, they don't make rainbow dresses. Do you have another color that you want?"

Little girl eventually told me she wanted a dark blue dress.

A couple of minutes later, the wheels started turning in her head and she continued the conversation.

"Monica, how many dresses does Santa have?"

Me: "He probably has a lot of dresses for little girls like you."

Little L: "Then how come he doesn't have a rainbow dress?"

Little L got me. I had no idea what to say, because I just told her that Santa has everything, which in her mind, includes rainbow dresses.



Please note that after I wrote this, I hit online shopping pretty hard. Little L is getting a rainbow dress.

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