Wednesday, November 21, 2018

"Let's talk about Christmas."

I was sitting in my Mom and Dad's living room when my favorite little red head crawled onto my lap.

"Monica," little red head says. "Let's talk about Christmas."

Little girl told me she wanted a pretty dress and a pink snowman.

I asked her what color of dress she wanted. Please note that I've already hit the stores pretty hard for little girl dresses, and the only colors to be found now are red, gold, black and plaid.

Little red head: "I want a rainbow dress."

Me: "Well, little L, they don't make rainbow dresses. Do you have another color that you want?"

Little girl eventually told me she wanted a dark blue dress.

A couple of minutes later, the wheels started turning in her head and she continued the conversation.

"Monica, how many dresses does Santa have?"

Me: "He probably has a lot of dresses for little girls like you."

Little L: "Then how come he doesn't have a rainbow dress?"

Little L got me. I had no idea what to say, because I just told her that Santa has everything, which in her mind, includes rainbow dresses.



Please note that after I wrote this, I hit online shopping pretty hard. Little L is getting a rainbow dress.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Do the stars shine brighter there?

Reaching For The Sky

There's a boy I used to know
He was always searching high and low

Others looked and wondered why
He said I am reaching for the sky

They say good will come to those who wait
Don't think too big just know your place

People don't belong in clouds or space
It's just an empty quest for ego's sake

He said I'll be reaching for the sky
I have to see how high it goes

While others they won't even try
I'll be reaching for the sky

Do the stars shine brighter there?
Can you really walk on air?

If other men have reached the moon
Saturn's rings could be mine soon

I'll be reaching for the sky
'Cause I have to know how high it goes

While others they won't even try
I'll be reaching for the sky


Friday, November 2, 2018

"Don't touch me. I'm broken."

I have a hard time with dental appointments.

When I had a cleaning on Monday this week, the hygienist and dentist asked me if I knew I had a cracked tooth.

They started talking, and I started to lose it.

My dentist quickly realized this, and put her hand on my shoulder.

"It's just a crown," she said. "No implants or extractions or bone grafts or oral surgeons this time."

Oh. Just a crown? Not even a root canal to go along with that?

I can live with that.

I went back on Wednesday for my first crown appointment. When I sat down in the chair to look at the pretty view of the pond, I read a post-it note that was hanging from the blinds.

It said: "Don't touch me. I'm broken."

I sympathized with that post-it note, and I almost took it.

Don't worry, post-it note. I'm broken, too.

Literally, I'm tooth that I had fixed on Wednesday fell out of my mouth on Thursday.

Want to see it? It's pretty cute.

I get the permanent crown next week, so this little dude is just going to hang out with me in my office until then.


Comment from everyone at my dental office: "I forgot you have the world's tiniest mouth."



"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."