Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Another post

Another good comment I read online:
If we can pretend that a well regulated militia means machine guns for everybody, I think we can pretend the right to life, liberty & pursuit of happiness means basic healthcare.

I know that nothing is as important as a person's life. I get that, trust me.

But I can't stop thinking about the monetary damages that one suicidal dipshit instilled across an entire nation.

Say the average funeral costs $10,000. Fifty nine funerals is $590,000.

The last injured count I heard was 527. My emergency room bill over the summer was around $2,000. I have no idea how much an emergency room visit costs if you get shot, but let's assume it's $2,000 (keeping in mind that surgery is way, way more than that).

$2,000 x 527 people is $1,054,000.

Not to mention the economic impact of hotels and casinos not being busy in Vegas after the shooting.

So...after 58 deaths and $2 million in damages (I wouldn't be surprised if the actual dollar amount is double or triple that number), can we start thinking about gun control now?

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