Thursday, June 1, 2017

I never said I was smart, okay?

Before anyone judges me, please note that I spent an entire evening writing out checks and sticking stamps on envelopes.

My medical bills are in the mail.

Since happiness isn't going to walk into my life on its own, I decided to go find it. This week, I found happiness when I ordered a necklace that I thought was pretty cute.

I waited for it at my house. I opened my mailbox each day, and each passing day my happiness died when it did not arrive.

Ah, bummer dudes.

I checked online on my account on Wednesday night. The necklace was delivered to my house on Tuesday. That's great and all, but it wasn't actually delivered to my house. I never received it.

I was upset about it. Either someone took it out of my mailbox, or it was delivered to the wrong address and that person kept it.


As I do when life doesn't go my way most of the time, my solution was to call my Mom at 10 p.m. on a weeknight to whine about my problem.

She told me to call their customer service and to see what's going on.

The customer service lady asked if I had moved recently. No, I haven't moved in more than two years. And the box is definitely not at my house.

She pressed further: Well, did you ever live at another residence in Dodge City? Is there another address that you had on your account in the past?


I called my Mom back after I got off the phone with nice customer service lady.

Mom, I said. They can track who has my necklace!

What, mom said? Who has it?


I actually called someone at a business's customer service department because I had something delivered to my Mom and Dad's house instead of my own house.


I never said I was smart, okay?

I hiked it over to their part of town, past 10 p.m. on a school night nonetheless, to retrieve my necklace.

It's pretty cute.

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