The curly-haired twin acted really scared, and told me there was a ghost in the kitchen. I hate it when there are ghosts in the kitchen!
I asked her if she wanted me to beat the ghost up.
She said yes.
I walked over to a corner in the kitchen, where the ghost was hiding, near the fridge. I kicked the ghost several times to get it to disappear.
After kicking it, I walked over to my niece and told her that I saw the ghost fly out of the house.
I kicked that ghost's butt, guys.
People at work asked me how my days off were babysitting them. I told them that I kicked a ghost. In toddler world, that's totally normal.
In normal adult world, it's kind of weird and got me some odd looks.
I'm going to put "beating up a ghost" as a skill on my resume.
I'm actually quite proud of myself.

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