My bff texted me. She wanted to know when Central school closed down.
I went there in 1993, before I switched to the Catholic school.
I wasn't completely sure, so I did what I usually do when I don't know something.
I called my Mom.
We figured out that the school that replaced Lincoln opened in 1995. So, Lincoln closing in May of 1995 was a pretty good guess.
I relayed that message to bff.
I'm kind of anal about knowing the answers to questions. While I can't pretend to know everything, I do know how to ask people questions and find the answers to them.
I made a career out of doing that. Usually, I could get on their nerves until they answered the question. (Yeah FOIA requests!)
But I also need to double check everything. Again, it's in my genes.
My Mom's answer, while it was a good guess, was just a guess. To verify that, I emailed the school district's PIO, who proabably has better things to do.
(PIO = Public information officer, for those that don't speak journalism.)
She emailed me back right away. Lincoln closed in May of 1995.
I'm proud of myself for fact checking that. (I also really like being right.)
But the conversation didn't end there. There's a song that we used to sing as kids: Sacred Heart let a fart and that's why Lincoln stinks.
I'll let you read the following conversation.
For clarification purposes: I went to both schools.
Also, I did not email the PIO about the song. If I don't get an answer, I might.
I have this little personality flaw that makes me unable to let things go. If I don't know something, I have to find the answer.
I can't even begin to describe how much it bugs me when there's a question in my life that I'll never have the answer to.
It drives me crazy.
Ooh snap!
Ha, ha. We're 31 years old, have a few degrees between us, live on opposite sides of the state, and we're having a conversation about something that happened when we were 10.
Schools close, jobs change and boyfriends fade away.
Those friends that you've had for 21 years? They're forever.
I love these people.
FYI, don't Google the song. It doesn't help.