Friday, December 12, 2014

Nothing better

I haven't written about the babies in a while. They've changed a ton over the past few months. My favorite thing about babies who are almost a year old versus just-born babies?

They actually interact with people now.

When I smile at them they smile back. They laugh if you make a silly noise. They really like books. They have attitude. They talk and say "Mama" and "Bada."

We have no idea what "Bada" means, but it's pretty cute when they say it.

I walked into my mom and dad's house one day and one baby was following my dad around everywhere.

This is how their conversation went:

Baby: "Mama!"

My dad: "I'm not your Mama."

Baby: "Mama!"

My dad: "Your Mama's working. I'm not your Mama."

Baby: "Mama!"

My dad: "Stop calling me Mama."

Baby: "Mama!"

It was really funny.

I don't know of anything else that causes so much happiness as these two little ones do. There's nothing better than babies.

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