Friday, November 28, 2014


I mostly love Black Friday shopping now.

A few years ago it was a completely different story.

For a few years in a row, I always volunteered to do the Black Friday story for the newspapers I worked for. I interviewed store managers, eager shoppers and entire families who had a tradition of lining up in the middle of the night to get sales.

Back then I had never gone Black Friday shopping, and I didn't understand the excitement of it.

Then after I stopped working at newspapers, I started going. I mostly just got a kick out of being one of "those people" that I used to interview.

But you know what?

It's kind of fun.

I left my hometown at 3 a.m. Friday and headed to the next town over. A certain hardware store opened at 6 a.m. with some pretty good sales, and I wanted to be there when it opened.

In the meantime, I grabbed Starbucks at another store and roamed around for an hour.

After a few hours of shopping, I came home with a Shop Vac, a sander, and several other grown up things.

I'm pretty excited about this stuff.

Also, being an adult is really boring sometimes.

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