Friday, October 24, 2014


The first week back from vacation is usually pretty tough. On Monday morning, I had my headphones in, jamming out while working on some weekly tasks.

Somebody walked into my office to talk to me, so I pulled my headphones out. Except, instead of pulling on my headphones I pulled on my earring. I tugged for a few seconds before I realized that my earring was not my headphones.

That was how my week started.


On the topic of stupid things...

In Kansas City we were eating downtown, and one of my friends made the comment that the water in the fountains was a really bright blue color.

We looked in awe. Why the blue water? That's really weird.

I realized last night that the water in the fountains was blue because of the Royals.

Ha, ha. It took me practically a week to figure that out.

I'm an idiot.


On my first road trip last week I discovered a CD that I made in college.

My car is too old to play iThings, and I haven't invested in an iThing updater thingy yet. When I go on long road trips I bust out the CDs (God, I'm showing my age).

This CD I made around 2005, judging by the songs on it. I'm too embarrassed to post the songs on my blog, but listening to it just reiterated how much of a moron I was in college.

You better believe I listened to those songs the whole trip. Haha.

I might not be able to play iThings, but at least my out-dated car is paid off.

Did I ever mention that to anyone?

I finally paid it off!


Speaking of college, earlier this week I hosted an alumni dinner in my hometown. I use the term 'hosted' loosely because I certainly don't have a big fancy pants house to invite people to.

In fact, I don't have much of anything in the way of material possessions, but the small things I do have I'm really thankful for. I have a career. I have potential. I have a degree that I'm using. I have friends in some really cool places and I've done some really interesting things since I graduated.

There were some really successful people there last night. I enjoyed talking with them. I look forward to being that successful myself one day.

I've been wanting to do that for a couple years now. I'm glad I finally crossed that off my to-do list.


"I feel like a rabbit when I eat leaves." - My brother talking about the salad I was eating yesterday.

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