Penny, my Pug, and I had a 9 a.m. appointment at the vet this morning to get her shots updated. After waking up at 4 a.m. and being awake for a while, I dozed back to sleep and woke up again at 8:05 a.m.
Uh oh, I'm officially late.
I went to make my hair somewhat acceptable, then went and searched for my glasses.
I looked all over the place, in the usual spots, and all over the floor. I thought maybe I knocked them on the floor in my sleep or something.
They were nowhere to be found.
It's 8:15 a.m. at this point, and the shit has already hit the fan. Sigh.
I went and tossed my dog outside (after she got out of bed) and searched for my glasses again. It was giving me a complex. Did someone break into my house over night and just steal my glasses?
Who does something stupid like that?
I was running out of time (not that I could even see the time) so I decided to go for contacts today. I'm proud to say that it took me less than 10 minutes to get them both in.
Sweet! I'm back on schedule.
I grabbed my dog's harness, put it on her, then walked out the door with dog and debit card in hand.
We got there kind of early (a score in my book - I hate being late) and I parked outside to check up on emails and other messages.
My dog realized where we were and started going bonkers.
Penny had separation anxiety when she was a puppy. She's mostly sane now, but she has her moments when she loses her mind and goes crazy.
Today was one of those days. She managed to wiggle herself out of her harness in the parking lot and started to run away from me.
She got about 10 feet away from me, then she just stood there and looked at me.
Yes, Penny, I understand that going to the doctor isn't fun. I told her that if she ran away, she wouldn't find another family that loves her as much as mine does.
Penny eventually came back to me, I put her harness back on her, then we went inside. Her usual thing at the vet is to sit underneath my chair in the waiting area and shake and cry.
Anyway, I'm probably forgetting some details about how bad she was during this appointment. It involved a lot of snorting on her part, the kind of snorting she does when she's telling you to go somewhere hot and fiery. She also pulled a new one and tried to bite the veterinarian.

When we got home, I put her outside and told her she had to think about her actions. I also wondered how in the world you muzzle a dog who has such a squished up face.
All of this happened before 9:30 a.m. on a Saturday.
Some days you just can't win.
Oh, and are you wondering what I did with my glasses? I finally found them this afternoon. I sat them on top of a book, and apparently during the night I knocked them off and they fell behind the book.
Today was a bad day, but at least there aren't thieves who break into houses and steal stuff that's probably useless to them.
Maybe tomorrow will be better.
I've also had this song stuck in my head all day because of my dog's attitude: Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing
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