Thursday, July 10, 2014

Someone dies...even if they don't.

Season 5 of Lost is kind of amazing.

I posted the graphic below a while back. I never really understood the line, "Someone dies...even if they don't" until now.

Oh, Lost. You're messing with my mind!

Here are some quotes:

"I needed that pain to get to where I am."

"It's what I've been searching for my whole life."

"Stop asking yourself if it's ridiculous. Start asking yourself if it's going to work. That's why it's called a leap of faith."

"We're all convinced sooner or later."

"This is even crazier than you are."

"It beats what you're doing, waiting for something to happen."

"It's called sacrifice."

"What makes you think I'm so special?"
"Because you are."

"He'll protect you from whomever intends to do you harm."

"It's a good thing they're just dreams."

"I help people get to where they need to get to."

"It was all because you never loved anybody."

"You say that as if it's inevitable."

"Is it inevitable, or is it a choice?"

"It's not fate, it's probability."

"We left and we were never important."

"You have no idea how important you are. You have to help me."

"You can't die. You've got too much work to do."

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Quotes :)