Wednesday, July 23, 2014


I'm going to start giving myself incentives. 

For every mile I work out, I'm going to put a penny into a jar. In a month's time, if I have 100 pennies, I'm going to give myself $100 to spend on something that's totally useless.

It started yesterday. I put two pennies into a jar. My normal workout routine is three miles on a combination of the elliptical, ski machine and treadmill a few times a week.

But, people? That's not going to get me 100 miles in a month. I need to up the ante here.

I've thought about morning workout or walks. The keyword there is thought, because I'm most definitely not a morning person. 


Maybe instead of blowing $100 on stupid stuff every month, I'll wait a few months and finally buy a new TV.

The one I'm looking at is only $400. 

I guess I'm getting ready to make a promise to myself on my blog. By the end of November, I will have exercised 400 miles.

And then I'll buy myself a new TV and stop hitting the one that I currently have to try to get it to work.

Two miles down, 398 to go. 

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