Monday, May 26, 2014

You can't do that!

I spent part of last night at bff's house. In between wine drinking and her dog sitting on me (and farting on me), I helped her out with some wedding planning details.

The wedding is a week away.


Anyway, we were Google-ing Bible verses to use during the ceremony (how 21st Century of us). This in itself is tricky, because you want the Bible verse to be perfect, modern, and you want it to mean something.

I came across one that was acceptable. It was pretty long, a few sentences, and there was a sentence in the middle of it that wasn't ideal.

I told bff that she could use that verse, but cut the middle sentence out. It's her wedding, after all, and she should do whatever she wants to do.

That didn't go over so well. You can't edit the Bible, she told me.

Yes, you can edit the Bible. It's your wedding, do whatever you want. No one will notice if that sentence is missing, I said.

Her: It's the Bible! You can't edit it!

Laughs were had all around while we discussed the topic. In the end, she won, and I did not edit the Bible and she decided to use another verse.

After we finished off a glass of wine on her front porch, she said something that made me laugh.

"This is a good story for your blog."

I agree, bff. I agree.

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