Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Phase of life

Back in November I made a visit to my alma mater. I was in Wichita picking up a bridesmaid dress, and my old stopping grounds are within driving distance.

My former boss said something that day that stuck with me. I’m paraphrasing here, but it was something along the lines of: “Each phase of your life is better than the last.”

I have to agree with that.

After high school, I knew I’d go to college. After college, I knew I’d get a job. After I got that job, I knew I wanted another job. After that job, well, you get the point.

I never realized that all of the dots eventually connect and lead to something bigger and better down the road.

No one told me what that road would be like 10 years ago. No one told me what it feels like to hold your nieces. On a related note, no one told me that when you burp them, you better turn their head away from your face.

Take my advice on that one.

Also, no one told me what it would feel like to see one of your childhood friends – your best childhood friend of more than 20 years – in a wedding dress.

Yes, I should have expected all of those things to happen. People grow up and move on to bigger and better things all the time. These are the little things that I wanted to be a part of when I moved back to my hometown.

I’m happy that I get to be a part of these people’s lives.

It’s true. Each phase of your life is better than the last one.

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