Thursday, February 20, 2014

Let there be light

Life's all about finding unique solutions to problems.

Take this morning, for instance, around 6:45ish a.m. The electricity went off at my house.

This caused several problems:

1. My hair was soaking wet.

2. My breakfast requires a microwave.

3. Putting on make-up in a dark bathroom? Please.

My dog came to tell me about the lack of electricity a few minutes later. I asked her what I should do about my hair. She snorted and walked away.

Sometimes I wish I could do that in life.

Anyway, instead of worrying I was going to be late and look like a slob today, I decided to embrace the challenge of getting ready for work with no lights. Penny wandered off somewhere and probably went back to sleep. Pugs.

Anyway, my solutions to the problems above included:

1. Towel drying my hair as much as possible, then doing the whole 'just put goop in it and hope for the wet/curly look.' It doesn't look half bad, actually. Goop works. The other option was wet hair in a ponytail. Um, I don't think so.

2. I ate breakfast at work this morning as soon as the electricity came back on. I was crabby and hungry, but survived the late breakfast time. First world problem.

3. I didn't bother putting make-up on at my house and just took it to work. The cool thing is it was dark there, too, so no one really cared.

All in all, I would say I won this problem.

Side note: I found a quote that I love earlier this week. I never thought about it until now, but it's true.

“Bad things don’t happen to writers; it’s all material.”
– Garrison Keillor

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