Friday, January 24, 2014

Victory is sweet.

These posts are going to back track a little bit here. I missed a few days of blogging thanks to working over the weekend and the temperatures being in the 50s and 60s (in January!).

So, back to my Kansas City trip last week.

Professionally speaking, this is about as good as it gets. The process of entering this competition starts in October each year, and it’s about the most boring thing in the entire world to do.

You have to go through a year’s worth of your work, pick out the best stuff, pick which category it fits in, then write an essay evaluating the project and explaining if and how you met your objectives.


Then there’s a few weeks of anticipation when you (not so calmly) wait for a confirmation email that you won something and should attend the awards ceremony.

Once we got that email, I was elated. Yes, I’m excited that our work is respected by a jury of our peers. Yes, I’m glad we’re good enough to be considered award winning. (We won two awards for a website that we're working on, if you're wondering.)

But on a personal level, I was just glad that the awesome outfit I spent a couple weeks working on and planning was finally going to be worn.

God, I’m such a girl sometimes.

Anyway, last year I was pretty nervous going into this process. Who was going to be there? What were we going to win? Was it going to be a first place award, or a stupid merit award?

Last year I just remember standing in the crowd and looking at everyone else. Everyone seemed so fancy and professional, like they knew exactly what they were doing. I did not fit into that category.

This year was a little more relaxed. I was dressed nicer than I was last year. And, if I can be a little honest here, I was really looking forward to the beer.

And it did not disappoint. Victory is sweet.

I also inherited a bottle of wine from the same brewery to try out.

Sweet, sweet victory.

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