Friday, January 31, 2014

The Monica way of doing things.

I just figured out a way to cross off a bunch of things on my to-do list in practically seconds.

Want to know my secret?

You make another to-do list that says 'Next week' and then you move a bunch of stuff to it.

That technically means I only have one thing to do today. Winning! Unfortunately, I have five things to do on Monday. And by five, I mean 17. And by 17 I mean I'm exaggerating and it's only really 13 things because I counted.

Anyway, back to the main topic. I need order and structure in life. Even if it's slightly over the top to have three to-do lists (I'm not even kidding), it does actually help me get stuff done.


I'm of the impression that you have to celebrate the small victories in life. I'll take it for now.

And I just remembered another thing I have to write down on my list. Hm.

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