I want to take a moment and talk about a trip that I took to Tulsa in December to see my favorite band of all time.
First, I should point that I always give myself a Christmas present every year. Once upon a time a few years ago, I dated a guy who gave his mom a Christmas present but not me.
(I know how to pick them.)
Since then, I decided to stop expecting 'me' from other people and to just buy myself whatever I want for Christmas.
So in December, I went to two Hanson concerts at Cain's Ballroom in Tulsa. They were both Christmas shows, which was different. I was expecting some regular music thrown in there, but they kept to the script and only played Christmas music.
It was fantastic.
On Friday night I had to work late, and I left town super late, and when I was driving to Tulsa I thought about just skipping the first concert and going to bed.
I didn't though. I parked in downtown Tulsa, walked a couple blocks, showed one security guard my ticket, walked in the building and BAM - there's Hanson!
Guys, there's a hill that I'll die on in life. Bands perform better in their hometown.
For Hanson, that's Tulsa. Which is sweet, because that's just down the road from me in Kansas. You will never see a better show than Hanson at Cain's. It's the best thing on planet Earth.
On Friday night, I missed about half of the concert. I'd like to point out that I'm an OG Fanson (original fan) and there was a time when I used to go hours early to stand in the pit line for a good spot.
Twenty years ago, I would not have missed a Hanson concert if my life depended on it. Well, it turns out we're all 20 years older and sometimes you have to keep a roof over your head.
On Friday night I was honestly glad to be in the same room as them. That's all I really want from concerts. I don't need front row anymore and I don't need meet and greets.
I consider myself blessed to be in the same room as the people singing to me.
Anyway, I can't describe how fantastic they were. They absolutely killed it in a way that I cannot describe in words.
Boys, I'll come back to Tulsa whenever you'll have me.
On Saturday, I fan girled a little harder and waited in line before the show started. The comments the women were making around me were hilarious.
Please remember that we all became huge fans of his band when we were 13 years old.
The comments: "Guys, we've been doing this at the same venue for 25 years."
"Does anyone have Tylenol?"
"How long will they play? What time can we go to bed tonight?"
I'm not going to lie here, I'm really only there to see Taylor. My Christmas present to myself was to gawk at Taylor Hanson for two nights in a row.
But what I wasn't expecting was for Isaac to steal the show.
Maybe I just have a thing for guitar players now. He was absolutely incredible and made his brothers look like that one dish at Christmas dinner that no one likes, puts on their plate out of politeness, and then doesn't eat and throws out later.
Team Isaac!
On Saturday I drove around downtown Tulsa because I had some time to kill. Zach Bryan was at the BOK Center downtown, and when I realized what was happening I started laughing my ass off.
There were dozens of police cars around the BOK Center. There were police out directing traffic and multiple streets were blocked off.
It was a very big deal.
For a guy who looks like a toad, cheats on everyone he dates and mailed his then-wife divorce papers when she was deployed? Like, really? This toad still has enough fans to fill the BOK Center?
Everything I've learned about ZB I've learned against my will. That diss track is a bop, though, and I know every single word. (Whose idea was it to give this oompa loompa a guitar? AND There's something in the orange and it's you behind these bars.)
Picture all of that security and police presence for ZB compared to Hanson.
Hanson had one security guard taking tickets. Their sisters sold merchandise after the show. (I bought a poster and a pop socket.)
Taylor Hanson bought and drives his own tour bus.
My boys are a little more down to earth than ZB, and I love them for it.
I'm not and never will be a Tulsa girlie. I will love and favor Oklahoma City for as long as my heart beats.
However, Tulsa is beautiful in December.
What a cool town. What an amazing band.
My middle school self had excellent taste in music and nothing has changed since then.
Ps, I just did the math. I've loved this band for 27 years.