Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Forward, March in February.

Once upon a time I slept on an air mattress in a temporary rental house that I lived in for two weeks. It's not a time of my life that I like to think about, but it happened while the sale of my almost house fell through. The sellers backed out 10 minutes before I was supposed to close on it.

It was not good times, but it was not the worst of times.

During the first night in that rental house, my bed deflated. I slept on the floor that night.

As someone wise once told me: You’re going forward, even when it feels like you’re not.

A few months ago I bought a new bed and a new bed frame, which resides in the cutest little house in the cutest college town in Kansas, without even realizing where I was 18 months ago — on the freaking floor.

Forward is forward and progress is progress, even when it doesn't feel like it.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Quotes from home

 In no particular order, here is what my weekend consisted of:

- My best friend’s son, who is four, blew his nose into a tissue and then asked me if I wanted to smell it.  No thanks, boy.

- He told me it smelled like “Santa stuff.” I had to ask his momma to clarify that for me. He meant cinnamon. I’m going to  all cinnamon ‘Santa stuff’ from now on.

- My parents, nieces and I were playing cards. The curly haired twin was sitting by my mom, and the curly haired kid played a reverse card. She looked at me and screamed: “I just reversed your mom!” And then I died of laughter. 

- It’s always good when kids give you song recommendations.