Thursday, July 14, 2022

'Rona diaries, part 2

The cruel part of this disease is that there are a lot of unknowns. I don't know when I was exposed to it, I don't know who I came in contact with that had it and I'm not even certain what day my symptoms started. 

I do know what day I tested positive, so I know that that counts as day one. Or maybe that's considered day zero? I'm not even sure about that. Does it even matter at this point?

So far I know that this disease is cruel. If my early symptoms were considered mild, and if this is what it feels fully vaccinated and boosted, then I understand why millions have died of this over the past 2.5 years.

The pain is horrible.

In the thick of it, I wondered a lot if it was the worst pain I've ever felt. In the middle of my coughing fits the other night, I didn't come up with an answer on whether COVID is more painful than the most painful thing I've ever experienced.

I could sugar coat it, not tell anyone about, and I could just keep my mouth shut. 

I'm not going to.

The pain that night felt like the worst altitude sickness that I've ever had. Every single inch of my body hurt. It hurt to move.

On top of that pain, it felt like every single tooth in my mouth was abscessed and needed a root canal. I actually looked at my back teeth to see if they were cracked. 

And on top on that, it felt like I had an ear infection in both ears. 

The pain was that bad. 

I didn't sleep that night. I finally slept a little when light started coming in my windows the next morning. 

There's medicine that you can take to lesson your symptoms, and on my second day of symptoms, I made a call to my doctor's office to see if I could get it. I figured I'd need all the help I can get.

I started on that medicine 24 hours ago, and the difference I feel is night and day. 

I'm functional today. I feel pretty normal, and I feel pretty good.

It seems crazy to me that one day I felt terrible and the next day I'm looking forward to the day I can leave my house and be normal again.


The medication has several side effects, one being an altered sense of taste. I can still taste and smell, and I really, really wish that wasn't the case.

Compared to my pain problem earlier this week, this is not an actual problem, just something slightly irritating that absolutely won't matter in the grand scheme of things.

My current problem is that almost everything tastes like soap, metal or sand.  

Ice water tastes like soap. Iced tea? Soap. 

Banana? Sand. 

Chocolate? Kind of like chocolate, with a squirt of a Dawn aftertaste.

Macaroni salad? Metal. 

The only thing that tastes decent is Gatorade, and I am downing that like crazy.

I'll take this problem over my previous problems this week, hands down. 


I've also gotten an inside look at what my dogs do all day, which is nothing. Haha. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

The 'Rona diaries, part 1

July 12 — Covid detention day one


They say all great empires fall. This great empire, who has seen a bunch of stuff in the last 2.5 years, finally fell on July 12, 2022, with a positive COVID-19 diagnosis.


Who finally gets COVID-19 for the first time in 2022?


This girl.


This is going to be my ‘Rona diary, and I’m going to publish it after I get out of detention. Or maybe before. I don't really have a plan, here. 

Being an adult is kind of like taking a bunch of important papers, arranged in order, throwing them up in the air, and then giving up and just walking out of the the room and leaving the mess on the floor.


This morning I woke up with a low-grade fever and a deep cough, two things which absolutely are not normal for me.


I took a test and waited around for the results. I was dressed and ready for work, and did a full face of make up.


And then I went home, told my dogs they had a ‘Rona mama, and then we set about doing absolutely nothing for the next few days.


It’s really hard to do nothing when society tells you to be doing something constantly. I moved a week ago and don’t have internet yet. I did order it, and I will cherish the hell out of it when I can finally find a binge-worthy show.


Until then, I’m going to move slowly around and see what I can get done in my new house. I unpacked some boxes, found my old iPods, and I’m in the middle of charging all of them up.


I still have the first-ever iPod that was released, plus two other ones (including an iPod Touch, which was so REVOLUATIONARY at the time). I’m looking forward to exploring my music before I discovered who I really love in life, whose last name rhymes with smurch.

I got a CNN notification on my phone, with this story: It's time to start paying more attention to COVID-19 again. 

I read that story standing in my kitchen. The exact thought in my head when I read that story while suffering from COVID: Thanks, captain obvious.


Key factors from ‘Rona detention, day one:

-       My friends are going to get a lot of TikToks from me this week.

-       Internet is important.

-       This is why I don’t like planning ahead. Why bother?

-       Instacart is the best thing ever. (Contactless, of course.)