I interviewed my parents about concerts they went to, both
before and after they met, concerts they took my brother and I go when we were
little, the first record they ever bought, and a few other things along the
I was thinking of breaking this up into several blog posts,
but I like it the way it is. It’s kind of long, messy, skips here and there,
and rambles a bit.
It’s a lot like life. It doesn’t make sense at times, but we’re
just going to roll with it and see where it goes.
The first concert my Mom ever went to was ZZ Top in Hays,
Kansas, in 1977.
She went with a “special friend” who, might I add, was not
my Dad. (My Dad was at that concert with a buddy of his, though, which was two
years before my parents met.)
Me: “Was your ‘special friend’ cute?”
Mom: “Yes. But I won’t give details.”
That was in 1977. My Mom was 19.
The first concert my Dad saw was Barry Manilow, also in
Hays, Kansas on October 18, 1975. He was 20.
I stopped this portion of the interview to ask a very
important question.
If you went to your first concert at 19 and 20 years old,
why did you start taking your kids to concerts so young?
I was around six years old when I saw Chris LeDoux. My
brother was nine.
It was a question I genuinely want to know the answer to. In
my adult life, I think it’s weird that people experience their first concert
after high school. That just seems so old to me.
I guess I automatically assume that everyone was raised like
I was – going to concerts so young that you’re not even able to form memories
of them.
So, Kansas parents, why did you take my brother and I to
concerts when we were so young?
My Mom: “What else were we going to do with you?”
Dad: “We tried to sell you, but no one wanted you.”
Those answers are perfect.
Mom: “We took you places.”
Dad: “We wanted you to open your eyes. Look at what you’re
doing now. You’re succeeding.”
I don’t know about that, but I’ll take whatever compliment I
can get.
My Mom and I at Church in 2017 in Wichita. My first time seeing him! |
Growing up, I remember my Mom being a big country music fan.
Dad was more rock. But in my world, Mom was always a country music person.
That was not always the case.
My parents went and saw Ricky Skaggs in Dodge City.
According to them, I was about a year old, so let’s say this is around 1986. (They
did not take me.)
My Mom said Ricky Skaggs was so good at that show, that she
went back and got his autograph after the show.
Ricky Skaggs asked my mom if she was a big country music
fan. My Mom said not really.
Ricky Skaggs said to my mom: “Well, I hope I converted you,
My reaction to hearing that: Wayne Newton’s hitting on Mom!
Other concerts my Dad went to when he was a young lad
include Chicago, ZZ Top and Neil Sedaka.
My Dad: “There was a band opening for Chicago that no one
had ever heard of. It was Charlie Daniel’s Band. I remember seeing them and
thinking, ‘Who are these people?!?’”
The first concert I ever went to was Chris LeDoux in Dodge
City, which is my hometown.
My parents and I scoured the internet, meaning we Googled it
for about five minutes, and we could not come up with a date for that concert.
However, Western Underground came out in 1991, so it was around then.
I was six years old and I had Western Underground on
cassette tape. I carried my little brown and tan tape player with me
everywhere, listening to Chris LeDoux. It had a handle on it and looked like a
I loved Chris LeDoux when I was little. This Cowboy’s Hat is
still one of my favorite songs.
The thing that hurts my heart and soul is that I don’t
remember going to his concert. I was too little. I also don’t remember getting
his autograph, but I do have it. He wrote my name on it at a meet and greet.
My Dad did not go to this concert.
According to my Mom, she took my brother and I to a lot of
concerts by herself.
“Dad always worked late.”
A woman going to a concert by herself? That sounds familiar.
Bad ass.
(Both of us.)
Other interview notes:
Faith Hill opened for Brooks and Dunn in 1994 in Dodge City.
I was apparently at this concert, although I don’t remember it. More on that
My brother did not go, and no one really remembers why.
I think that’s hilarious.
Alan Jackson was in 1995 at the Kansas State Fair in
Hutchinson. This is the first concert I officially remember going to. I was 10,
and I’ll talk on that more later.
So, Mom, I said. Before you liked country, what did you
listen to?
“The Monkeys.”
It was the first vinyl she ever bought.
According to my Dad, back then (I didn’t ask what years
‘then’ was), there was only one FM radio station, and it was top 40s pop. If
you wanted to listen to something else, your friends would tell you about “a good record – you ought to go get
The first record my Dad ever bought was The Rolling Stones.
Dad: “There was a contest on who was the best: The Beatles,
The Monkeys, or The Rolling Stones. There’d be long arguments about that.”
This was in the 1960s.
There was no record store in Dodge City back in the day. My
parents bought records through Columbia Record Club, a subscription service
from which they bought 9-10 records a year out of Terra Haute, Indiana.
Please note that Dodge City, Kansas, is a 2.5 hour drive
from Wichita, the nearest major city. Dodge City is literally in the middle of
Mom: “That was the only way to get records, through the
Also, Gibson’s (a department store) had records. There was
no Walmart in 1981, when my parents got married, according to them.
Mom: “You had to be part of a record club or go to Wichita.
After that, it was 8-tracks, cassettes and CDs.”
And then Hastings opened in the early 80s. They had records.
Dad: “It was a big deal with Hastings opened up. It was like
when Blockbuster opened up. It was a big deal.”
(I don’t even know how many times he said “It was a big
deal.” It was, evidently, a big deal.)
Also, my Dad was a member of an 8-track club.
Note: I don’t understand the record club thing. According to
my Mom, it was like a modern day Boxy Charm, only for music.
You could pick your LP, but if you didn’t send your card in,
then you got one that was a ‘record of the month’ that the club picked for you.
Mom: “That was the only way to get records out here.”
Me: So they sent you records through the mail? Like, snail
My Mom: “Yes. It’s like what Church does.”
Okay, I get it now. If you bring Eric Church into the mix,
then I understand it better.
Okay, parents. What’s the best concert you’ve ever been to?
My Dad says Brooks and Dunn in 1994.
Dad: “I had a freaking blast at that concert. What got me is
that it was in Dodge City, Kansas. It sounded like they were playing in a
freaking studio. They didn’t miss a beat.”
Mom: “You were drunk.”
Dad: “I remember being drunk. They had it goin’ on. They
were freaking great. When you see them in an outdoor setting and they sound
like they’re in the studio, they just got it goin’ on.”
I was at this concert. I was 9 years old and I don’t
remember it.
I wish I did.
My opinion: Brooks and Dunn had it goin’ on back then, and
they still have it goin’ on now.
Also, when I was in high school, my dad randomly bought me a
CD, without me prompting him and not on my birthday or for Christmas. It was
the only CD he ever bought me randomly, and for no reason at all.
It was a Brooks and Dunn CD.
My Mom’s favorite concert: George Strait in Kansas City in
My parents sat in the nosebleeds at Arrowhead Stadium under
a blanket.
It was the George Strait Country Music Festival, and my
parents went without my brother and I. I remember they came back from the
concert, told us how great it us, and said that my brother and I needed to see
We went to Dallas and saw George Strait (and friends!) at Texas
It was Texas, it was in June, and it was hotter than hell
out. I bought my best friend a yellow George Strait tank top as a ‘thank you’ gift
for watching our family dogs while we were on that trip.
At that concert, I saw two grown ass drunk men head butt
each other in broad daylight. I remember seeing blood all over the concrete by
the bathrooms.
Welcome to country concerts, teenage Monica. You go to a
fight and a concert breaks out.
Dad: “There was enough beer to go around, but there wasn’t
enough water. They ran out of water, but not beer. Figure that out.”
Alan Jackson performed on that tour. His set was during the
day, and Texas Stadium had a giant cut out in its roof. There was a section of
the crowd that sat in the sun all damn day and baked.
We were in that section of the crowd.
My parents said Alan Jackson talked to the people in the sun
and asked them if they were warm.
It was so fucking hot that day.
My Mom: “George is great.”
Also my Mom: “Country music was different back then.”
I agree.
Between both of my parents, they have about 100 vinyl
My Dad apparently built a rack for them in the basement
(which I’ve not seen yet.)
He says the records are doing well there.
Mom: “You check on them?”
Dad: “Yeah.”
This is the first picture of Eric Church I ever took. Well...his name, anyway. Wichita 2017 |
A while back, my Dad gave me a Burton Cummings vinyl album,
and held it side by side to an Eric Church record. Both albums are…basically giant
faces of men with shaggy hair.
As my Dad calls my favorite artist: “What’s his name?”
Just wait until next month, Dad, when you go to Church for
the first time. Just wait. You just won’t be the same person after that.
It changes you.
I treated interviewing my parents like a real interview,
because it was a real interview. It’s an interview for a story that I’m
(My college degree is in journalism, and I was a newspaper
reporter for many years during high school, college, and the start of my
professional life. I’ve done this whole interviewing and writing thing a few
times in my life.)
As with any interview I do, I asked my final question: Is
there anything else you’d like to add?
My Dad: “Put that in your country blog.”
For those of you who don’t speak my language: Eric Church
has a song called Stick That in Your Country Song.
And that’s how I knew what the title of this post was going
to be. It was handed to me on a silver platter by the man who once bought me a
Brooks and Dunn CD without me even asking for it.
Here are some random concert and music notes from
• My first concert was Chris LeDoux around the age of 6.
• The first concert that I remember is Alan Jackson. I was
10. According to my Mom, I asked why all the women screamed when he “turned
around and shook his butt.”
My Mom’s answer: “You’ll understand when you get a little
I get it now. I understand.
Also, I remember standing on the bleachers on my tippy toes
to see him.
My Dad had to work in Dallas the next day, so he caught a
flight there while my Mom took my brother and I to the concert.
• The first vinyl I ever bought was Eric Church’s Desperate
• The first song on vinyl I ever remember hearing is Hotel
California. If I remember right, I got a CD player for Christmas that held five
CDs – FIVE CDS – which was pretty groundbreaking in the 1990s.
It had a record player on top of it, so my parents brought
some records up from the basement and played them for me.
I still remember that.
• The first CD I ever bought was The Fugees. I still love
Killing Me Softly (With His Hands).
• The first check I wrote was also for a CD, and it was
Alicia Keys.
I don’t know the number of concerts I’ve been to in my life,
but it’s quite a few.
My hometown is a rodeo town. Each
summer, there’s always a country concert that kicks off the rodeo.
When my brother and I were little, it was a really big deal.
I remember my parents driving past the rodeo grounds to show us the semi trucks
that brought all of the stage and sound equipment.
After we drove past the rodeo grounds, we would always go
find the tour bus, which in a pretty small town in southwest Kansas, was always
at the same hotel. The nicest hotel in town.
Also, back then, we didn’t have many hotels in town.
I remember it was a really big deal to see the tour buses in
town. We got so excited because that’s where ‘whoever is playing the concert
tonight’ is.
It was just so freaking cool.
Also, during my DC trip, one of my Uber drivers dumped me
off in the middle of a street by two tour buses by The Anthem.
My life has come full circle.
I went to college in and near Wichita, Kansas. My parents
came to see me quite a few times, but it was never just to see me.
They had tickets to whatever concert they wanted to go to,
and they bought me a ticket so I could tag along.
We saw Gary Allan four times in Wichita this way.
It was also a chance for me to get out of my crappy dorm
room and stay in a nice hotel for a couple of nights.
That’s why I liked Gary Allan a lot in college. He brought
good news into my life – a concert, my parents to town, a free dinner and
usually a free breakfast the day after. And maybe they topped my tank off with gas
and bought me some groceries or goodies, too.
College Monica liked Gary Allan a lot.
Grown up Monica still likes him a lot, too.
I quizzed my parents on whether I went to Brooks and Dunn
with them in 1994. They were adamant that I was there. I was nine years old, I
don’t remember it, and my Dad was drunk.
Almost 30 years later, I am slowly starting to realize that
the apple does not fall far from the tree.
I could talk about concerts and music forever. But as I'm typing this in Microsoft Word, I’m on page 9, so I need to wrap this up.
Here’s a list of concerts I’ve been to in my life. Not
dates, locations or years. Just the artists. I think it’s cool to keep a list.
This is in no particular order, and this started when my parents took me to a
concert when I was six years old.
I have a theory: How you’re raised is how you live.
I think that’s pretty accurate.
My concert list:
• Chris LeDoux
• Brooks and Dunn
• Reba
• Alan Jackson, a few times.
• George Strait
• Eric Church…times 13. Soon to be 16. I have a problem.
• Gary Allan, times 5.
• Lee Ann Womak
• Sara Evans
• Asleep at the Wheel
• Lonestar
• Brad Paisley
• Maren Morris and her husband
• Jake Owen
• Lanco, twice
• Mike Ryan…opened for somebody. Lanco, maybe?
• CJ Solar (opened for Gary Allan)
• Justin Moore
• Jerrod Neimann, twice
• Weird Al Yankovic
• Hanson, times 6
• NSYNC, twice
• Chris Cagle
• Creed
• Gavin Degraw
• The SteelDrivers
• Thomas Rhett
• Brett Eldridge
• Brothers Osborne
• John Michael Montgomery
• ZZ Top
• Lynyrd Skynyrd
• Mannheim Steamroller
• A bluegrass festival in college, times three, where I was
introduced to John McCutcheon. I love that guy.