Guess who’s back
Back again
Pugs are back
Tell a friend.
I’ve been thinking about this story for a while now, and it makes me laugh whenever it pops up in my head.
I figured I should write it down before I forget about it.
I’m going to preface this by saying that I’m a pretty traditional person. I read a newspaper that I can hold in my hands, and the hill that I’m willing to die on is that books should not be charged. (No Nooks for me.)
I’m also showing my age here, which is all right.
So, I’m a pretty traditional person. That also applies to music in my life.
One thing I’m excited about is to own a house again so I can get a record player. Doing things old school and the traditional way means something to me.
On the way to work in the mornings, I’ve been thinking about this a lot. When I listen to music, especially if it’s the first time listening to new music, I try to listen to music in the order that’s laid out on the album.
I listen to the first track, then the second, then the third.
I believe that artists put songs in that order for a reason, and I believe it’s meant to be heard that way.
My favorite love song of all time is a bluegrass song by John McCutcheon called ‘Along Came You.’
I first heard that song when I was 22 years old, and I’ve loved it ever since. I remember hearing it for the first time live in Winfield, and I remember thinking to myself that if I ever get married, that song is going to be my wedding song.
The wedding part of my life isn’t working out so well right now, and I haven’t been listening to a lot of love songs lately.
I’ve been kind of hooked on killing people in New Orleans songs instead.
But this week, for whatever reason, I’ve been giving love songs a try. I play ‘Along Came You’ on repeat when I drive to work in the morning.
Remember when I said that I believe in listening to songs in album order? I think it means something. It’s just meant to be listened to that way.
On John McCutcheon’s album, Passage, the most beautiful love song I’ve ever heard, ‘Along Came You,’ is preceded by a song about donuts.
It means something, guys.
Every time I listen to my favorite love song, I have to listen to ‘Ode to a Krispy Kreme’ first. You better believe I know all the lyrics, and I have a mini dance session in my car every morning as I sing about donuts.
And on my wedding day, if that day ever comes, I’m 2,000 percent sure that before my first dance with the love of my life, I’m going to play that damn donut song first.
I believe that things happen for a reason, and I believe that oftentimes, donuts should come before love.
I'm going to take a little bit of time in this next post to talk about the performers.
Yes, I know, I'm skipping all over the place. Whatever. Let's roll with it, here.
So the weird thing about the concert was that Eric Church’s fan club members, the Church Choir, did not have seats directly by the stage.
I was going to write about how a third party site, one I’ve used for the past 10 years, totally burned me and left me without a hotel room at night hundreds of miles away from home.
I was also going to complain that two AirBnBs canceled on me.
And then I was going to throw it out there that I couldn’t get the key code door to work at 2:30 a.m. at one place I stayed at.
And then there’s that whole replacing my brakes thing for too much money because I am a dumb tourist sometimes.
Also, I paid $4.50 a gallon for gas.
At one point, I thought about just throwing in the towel and going back to Kansas. Nothing was going right and I was in a bad mood.
But I’m not a quitter.
And what followed was a day and a night of family, friendship, mountain rides, food, alcohol, good conversations and jokes and laughter that I haven’t had in a really long time.
I challenge everyone reading this right now to go to nature, turn your phone off for a weekend, take a trail ride through the rainy mountains, and try some moonshine in what’s probably the most beautiful place in the world.
And then go back into town, get yourself some McDonalds, and then TikTok yourself into oblivion.
It’s wonderful.
Best weekend ever.